Implementation of Kalman Filter in C++
This is the complete list of members for KF, including all inherited members.
GetCurrentEstimatedOutput() | KF | |
GetCurrentEstimatedState() | KF | |
GetCurrentOutput() | KF | |
GetCurrentState() | KF | |
InitStateCovariance(const mat &P0) | KF | |
InitSystem(const mat &A, const mat &B, const mat &H, const mat &Q, const mat &R) | KF | |
InitSystemState(const colvec &x0) | KF | |
Kalmanf(const colvec &u) | KF | |
Kalmanf(const colvec &z, const colvec &u) | KF | |
KF() | KF | |
~KF() | KF |